Object Eject, 2016
Site specific installation of a handrail at the Japan Foundation, Cologne made of paper mache, styrofoam, color copies, laminated photographs, glazed ceramics. Dimensions variable.
The handrail was installed at Japan Foundation Cologne and tailored to the impressive staircase, which connects the entrance area with the upper floor. The building was originally designed by the Japanese architect Yoshimi Ohashi and is furnished with traditional materials such as wood and concrete. The space has large windows and is dominated by warm earth tones in grey, brown and white
The handrail is made up of paper mache coated with images of underwater landscapes, fishes, corals and seaplants. With its bright colours and organic shapes the handrail poses a strong contrast to its surroundings. The photographic images for the handrail were taken in the Berlin Aquarium and represent an analogy to photography. Being in an aquarium reminded me of looking at a photographic images: you can grasp it visually but you are stopped at the glass surface. Behind the glass it is a space that is uncertain in depth. Like a parallel world, it exists as part of the space you inhabit, but still you are not a part of it.